Peaks Island Strength and Wellness LLC
Microgym Rules and Regulations
Participant is aware there is 24 hours video recording surveillance.
Participant is NOT allowed to bring others into the gym for security and insurance reasons.
Participant agrees to put away equipment and re-rack weights after use.
Participant agrees to refrain from foul or derogatory language.
Participant agrees to sanitize equipment after use.
Participant will let PISW owners (Devon: 207-604-8076 - Seri: 970-988-6824) know if equipment or premises needs maintenance or is broken.
Participant agrees they will not drop or slam weights in the PISW facility.
Consumption of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or similar addictive substances must be strictly prohibited at the facility.
Cell phone conversations are not permitted at the facility.
Photography and/or videography of participants other than one’s self is not allowed inside the facility.
There is no personal training allowed in the facility without PISW owners’ permission.
Closed-toe footwear is required while using the facility.
Participant accepts full financial responsibility for any damage done to equipment due to misuse of the equipment.
PISW is not responsible for the loss, theft of, or damage to, personal property.
Collars/clamps must be used on all barbells.
Headphones must be worn when using personal audio.
Street shoes are to be taken off upon entering the facility. Gym shoes need to be worn while using facility equipment.
If you have any signs of illness, including but not limited to fever, runny nose, muscle aches, cough, vomiting, etc., DO NOT USE THE MICROGYM. We will refund you your session even if it is after our 24 hour advance cancellation policy.
Youth Policies
Children under the age of 13 are not permitted inside the facility.
Children ages 13-16 may use the facility and its equipment when both the child and a parent or guardian have each booked a one hour gym session.
Children ages 16-18 may use the facility and its equipment, so long as the children’s parent or legal guardian reads and accepts the Participation Agreement & Liability Waiver and Rules & Regulations and takes full responsibility of the child.